Pig Farming

Pigs are clever, curious, and social animals who like to explore, forage and play, they are highly prolific and are reared mainly for their meat(pork). Pork is also a good source of vitamins and minerals with a rich, sweet, buttery taste and an aromatic flavor.

Pig farming is one of the most lucrative livestock farming in the world, it is profitable with a low cost of production compared to other major livestock rearing. Pig farming is widely termed a “dirty business” but that is not a fact because they are very neat and decent animals when the required facilities and amenities are presents

OUR AIM: At MDs farms, we ensure the animals are reared properly in the proper housings and pens, with Good management practices, modern amenities, and facilities, Good nutrient-rich Food and the required amounts, showing love and caring for the animals( pigs are very intelligent and social).

DURATION:5-6 months

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

