Goat and Sheep Farming

Goats and Sheep are multi-purpose animals reared to produce meat, milk, and wool(sheep) and it is one of the most lucrative enterprises in the livestock industry.

The meat is very delicate and aromatics with a lot of nutritional benefits enjoyed wide across the world and because of its properties of fitting in the ‘white meat’ category which has little to no cholesterol(a part of lipid) making the demand for goat meat much higher than the supply.

These animals are strong and hardy and can survive in any condition compare to any animal.

OUR AIM: At MDs Farms, we produce a more conducive and comfortable environment for the animals, good feeds, and the perfect management practices ensuring they get their desired growth and weight thereby reducing the risk of disease outbreak and death of the animals.

DURATION: 9-12 months

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

