Our Team

Aimiyekagbon Precious Osaruwese
CD / Founder - Director of Agronomy

She is result-oriented, ambitious and passionate about whatever she does

Orhewere Victory Ihinosen
Director of Horticulture & Landscaping

She is a lover of nature and loves to be part of it

Chukwubueze Joel Odunze
Director of Animal Husbandry & Animal Health

He Got his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Benin

Osagie Wisdom Orukpe
Director of Aquaculture and Fisheries

Loves integrity, selfless and free-spirited humans

Join the people behind our success

Contact us to find out how you can join our team

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

